What's Your Pest?
Ants are known to live in structured nest communities located underground, in ground-level mounds or, in trees. Carpenter ants nest in wood and can be very destructive to your property.
Ant communities are headed by a queen or multiple queens, whose sole purpose is to lay thousands of eggs that will ensure the survival of the colony. Male ants have one duty, to mate with the queen and after time, may die. The “working” ants who find food, care for the queens offspring, work on the nest and protect the community are known to be the wingless female ants that never reproduce.
Ants communicate and cooperate by using chemicals that can alert others to danger or lead them to a promising food source. They typically eat nectar, seeds, fungus, or insects. Some species have diets that are unusual such as army ants who prey on reptiles, birds, or even small mammals.
Ant infestations can range from mild to severe and it is advised for a professional pest control treatment for any degree of ant infestations.

When are ants active?
Ants can be found active all year around, with numbers often increasing during periods of high humidity. Besides their nests, you will most likely find them crawling in your kitchen cupboards, kitchen counter, bins, front or backyard doors, bathroom/s, in your walls, pathways of the home and basically anywhere they can find food or water.
Are ants pests?
Ants are considered pests because they cause a nuisance to our customers. How? By contaminating food items and infesting common areas. They can also administer painful bites, especially fire ants, the jack jumper ant, and the bulldog ant.
Depending on the species, ants are capable of causing damage to wall cavities, electrical equipment, and roof voids. Ant control preserves the value of your property.doors, bathroom/s, in your walls, pathways of the home and basically anywhere they can find food or water.
Receiving professional ant control?
It’s always best to call a professional to fix any pest problem. Our technicians at Termiticidal Pest Management are professionally trained and have over 13 years of experience, providing effective and efficient ant pest control treatment.
There are a few steps you can take to minimise ant infestations in the short term:
- Wiping down benches thoroughly
- Cleaning food spills
- Regularly changing pet feeding areas
- Sealing cracks and crevices
Keep in mind these solutions will only temporarily fix the problem. If invasions are severe or consistent, Termiticidal Pest Management are here to help. Our team provides a professional, long-term ant control treatments to keep ants out of your home! Book your ant pest control service today by contacting our team directly or completing an online booking.
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Don’t let these pests get the better of you, we’re here to help. Get in touch today for a fast, friendly and reliable pest management service.
Rats & mice
Rats and mice are found mainly in the cooler months. Homes and buildings are ideal for rats and mice as they provide food, warmth, water and shelter. They cause extensive damage to doors, skirting boards, books and especially food containers with droppings and fur.
A rodent nest is usually made of rags, paper and cardboard. Rodents are mainly heard of at night with their squeaking and clawing. Rat borrows are found next to waterways and buildings.
Termiticidal Pest Management are here to help. Our technicians are professionally trained to address and eradicate current infestations. Termiticidal provides a long-term rat control treatment to keep rats and mice out of your home! We provide a secure rodent bait, preventing future infestations. The baits are secured in lockable bait stations placed out of reach of children and pets. In roof voids we secure the bait with wire to avoid rodents dragging them out.
Book your rat (rodent) pest control service today by contacting our team directly or completing an online booking.

Why rats & mice are considered pests
Rats can be very stubborn once they manage to get into your property and it’s crucial to get rid of them before they spread diseases, soil food and damage the property. Rats can harm pets, humans and their environment which include:
- Ruining doors, books, upholstery, food containers and skirting boards
- Ruining the insulation of your home or business
- Chewing through electrical cables
- Destabilising hillsides or structures and retaining walls by burrowing
- Cause illnesses and food contamination spread through their urine or droppings
- Spreading diseases through parasites, intestinal worms and fleas
The most common signs you can look for to distinguish if you have a rat or mice infestation include:
- Rodent droppings – They become hard and lose their sheen. Mouse droppings measure about 3 to 6 mm in length, often contain hair and are pointy at the ends, while rat droppings are blunt and can measure up to 12 mm in length.
- Nesting – To build their nests, materials like paper, cardboard, and rags are commonly used.
- Rub marks – When the fur of rodents rubs against walls and other surfaces, they leave behind a greasy residue, most noticeable when dealing with very large infestations.
- Burrows – Rat tunnels seen close to buildings and waterways.
- Sounds – Making noise at night. If you hear the squeaking of mice or gnawing of rats, this will indicate of a severe infestation.
- Gnawing – As rats have growing teeth they need to constantly gnaw on materials like wood, conduit, cables and metal helping sharpen and grind down the length of the teeth. Biting on cables, lead to exposed wires which can then lead to fires or short circuits.
Tips for handling dead rats & mice
Termiticidals professional technicians will always aim to eliminate your pest problem. Finding a dead mouse or rat on your property can be a sign that your pest problem is being eradicated, however as customers do, you will always try to eliminate the issue by yourself first, and here are some tips on how to go about it:
- Keep pets away – Most pets will become extremely curious, it is essential they are kept away at all costs, and does not play or, worse, eat it. Rodents are the carriers of germs and illnesses which can spread to your pet. If the mouse or rat was killed by poisoning, your pet is at risk of being poisoned as well if it comes into contact.
- Empty rodent traps – If rodent traps are being set on your property, it is extremely important they are being emptied. when handing dead rodents it is vital to use rubber gloves, lift the steel trap very cautiously and pick up the carcass. As a second option you can slide newspaper beneath the trap, fold in the pest and empty into the trash.
- Disposing of the carcass – It is advisable to get rid of a dead rat or mouse by wrapping it in a newspaper and then placing it in a trash can. Avoid burying the carcass in your garden as it might later be dug up by curious pets or wild animals, which could then fall ill thanks to the diseases or poison lingering in the dead rodent.
- Wall cavities and other inaccessible areas – If you suspect due to the smell that there is a dead mouse or rat stuck in an inaccessible area, it is advisable to wait a few weeks. Rodent carcasses need about two weeks to dry out and start decomposing. Use air fresheners as you wait, and after a period of time, the problem will take care of itself. Odour reducing products are available if the smell becomes unbearable.
Let us help!
Don’t let these pests get the better of you, we’re here to help. Get in touch today for a fast, friendly and reliable pest management service.
Feral animals
Termiticidals technicians are licensed to exterminate feral animals. Depending on the severity of the situation, our technicians will guide you and provide you with advice on what steps to take next.

What is considered a feral pest?
There are many species of feral pests, most also doubling as common household pets:
- Birds – Escaping from domestication and managing to breed in the wild. Feral populations have increased, and most of these species include mynahs, doves and parrots.
- Cats – We understand there are some cat lovers, however a feral cat is considered a domestic cat whom primarily has been abandoned, allowing them to breed uncontrollably. These groups of feral cats are found behind shopping areas, alley ways/parks, abandoned buildings and rural areas. These pests do not trust humans and become defensive as they cannot fend for themselves.
- Possums – Possums seek warmth and shelter in buildings and feed off vegetables, fruits, flowers and new plants in or near gardens. The male brushtail possums give out a strong smell and are quite loud, causing disturbances especially to those who have trees or pets near by and close to their properties. Dogs become quite unsettled and continue to bark throughout most of the night as this is when possums are most active, causing owners and neighbours to have a stressful night. Holes may also appear in roofs as possums will crawl in, and in some cases even trap themselves.
- Rabbits – Wild rabbits are generally a grey-brown colour with a pale belly fur, born and bred in the wild. Escaped rabbits which are either black, ginger or white are known to be a part of the wild and no longer kept with their previous owner. These pests graze on crops and pastures damaging gardens, land under buildings, garages and sheds thus transmitting a number of disease putting other animals, pets and humans at risk.
In cases where there are feral birds, cats, foxes, possum, pigs, rabbits or any type of animal destroying your property and/or crops, it is required a professional pest control technician takes control of the situation. Feral animals that aren’t managed can adversely increase bacteria and unknown diseases.
Termiticidal Pest Management are here to help. Our technicians are professionally trained to address and eradicate current infestations/disturbance. Termiticidal provides a long-term feral animal pest removal! We will make sure these pests are no longer a disturbance to you.
Book your feral removal pest control service today by contacting our team directly or completing an online booking.
Let us help!
Don’t let these pests get the better of you, we’re here to help. Get in touch today for a fast, friendly and reliable pest management service.
Spiders can be a particular nuisance in the home. Our buildings and gardens are ideal for spiders because they provide food and shelter. Spiders are most active at night when they go hunting or feed on insects. They are attracted to warm, small and dark spaces such as wall cracks, corners, air vents, and in the eaves of your home.
Other species prefer to stay closer to the outdoors, weaving their webs in your garden or near your outdoor lighting fixtures. Most Australian spiders are venomous but are not considered to be harmful to humans. Red-back spiders, funnel web spiders and mouse spiders however, require immediate attention. Our professional technicians at Termiticidal Pest Management are your trusted pest control service provider who can immediately eradicate these pests!

Most common & dangerous spiders
These are some of the most common, dangerous and poisonous spiders found in Australian houses and backyards:
- Garden Wolf Spider – They are common, low risk spiders as they enjoy making holes in the garden, covering the entrance with litter and wandering in search of prey. They are most widespread in Australia however, are not aggressive, but can bite when provoked.
- Red-back Spider – These are the most common spiders found within Australia. They spin webs in shelters, dry areas like sheds, trash cans, logs and toilets. The female is known to be the most dangerous. They are a medium sized insect, bigger than the male, black in colour and have a distinctive red stripe on top of the abdomen. The male is smaller however generally does not bite humans. Any bites will be painful. Should the victim be bitten they should immediately apply ice packs on the areas that have been affected and seek immediate medical attention.
- Garden Orb – Mostly active at night however they are not poisonous or aggressive and rarely bite. They are found all throughout Australia but mainly in the eastern and southern regions of Australia.
- Daddy Long Legs – Mostly active outdoors in the dark and damps however when they’re indoors they do prefer warm and dry places such as windows, attics or corners. They do feed off on small insects and other spiders.The daddy long legs spider actually possesses venom in their fangs and although extremely rare, they can bite, but their fangs are too small to inject venom into a human.
- Huntsman – Found in most parts of Australia, mainly indoors or underneath bark and in cars during the daytime, and although they have a large appearance they are low risk due to being considered shy and timid. It will only emerge at night and can move at lightning speeds when disturbed. These spiders have a frightening appearance. They are characterised by large, flat bodies, long, hairy legs and vary in colour depending upon the species. They devour insects, cockroaches, and white-tailed spiders, which are actually much more dangerous. They rarely bite, however if it does, the bite can be painful. If under any circumstance you have been bitten, treat the bite site with a cold pack.
- Funnel Web – They are kept in cool and moist environment usually reside in burrows marked by web lines. Their burrows are often near plants, logs, swimming pools, laundries and taps located outside. The funnel web spider is large when fully grown, black and are aggressive. Their bite is painful and toxic. Male funnel web spiders are known to be the most dangerous spider in Australia, and in the world. The male spider exits the burrow to look for a mate in autumn, especially after rain, which is also when most people are bitten. The spider’s bite is very painful. If under any circumstance you have been bitten, pressure, bandage and seeing a doctor are your immediate steps to take.
- Mouse Spider – They live in burrows near water such as rivers and creeks. The females are big, their bodies are brown or dark brown causing people to mistaken them for funnel-web spiders. The female mouse spider is normally kept busy building their nest or burrow. Male mouse spiders are found at night as they search for a female mate. Mouse spiders are aggressive when they’re provoked and will generally bite as a defensive mechanism. If under any circumstance you have been bitten, apply pressure and bandage the bite, and immediately seek medical attention.
- Black House Spider – Also known as the black house or the window spider. They are a dark brown or black spider with body markings. They are often concealed in wall crevices and in undisturbed corners, spinning webs. Outside, they normally hide on tree trucks and beneath logs and/or barks. They’re not aggressive however bites can be painful.
Signs of a spider infestation
Sometimes it can be tricky to determine if you have a spider infestation for these hidden pests, but for those that are known to show themselves here are a few tell-tale signs:
- Sighting of spider webs – Observing the size of the web can indicate of the species making its web. You will be able to see if it’s a funnel wheel or messy tangled looking web.
- Burrows – Some live in burrows while others live on the ground.
- Moisture – Check for signs of dampness in walls, sheds, basements and the garage. Spiders prefer living in a damp environment.
- Dark Areas – Spiders can be found in attics, wardrobes and most commonly hidden inside storage boxes.
Controlling spiders must be done on a regular basis in order to stop a full blown infestation long term. When spiders go into hiding it becomes difficult for you to be able to eliminate the problem as they are hard to locate. It is important to have regular treatments in order to keep this species population under control.
Termiticidal Pest Management are here to help. Our pest control technicians are professionally trained and qualified to address and eradicate current spiders infestations. Termiticidal provides an effective pest control service, giving you the peace of mind that your home or place of business is spider free. We will make sure these pests are no longer a disturbance to you.
Book your spider pest control service today by contacting our team directly or completing an online booking.
Let us help!
Don’t let these pests get the better of you, we’re here to help. Get in touch today for a fast, friendly and reliable pest management service.
Neglecting to fix a pest problem can lead to health issues caused by diseases that spread by common pests such as cockroaches. Cockroaches thrive in warm, humid and unhygienic conditions, spreading a range of bacteria and disease-producing organisms to humans.
The most common varieties that have been found are German, American, Australian, Brown-banded, Oriental and Smokey Brown cockroaches.
The most common areas where cockroaches live are confined spaces, near the refrigerator, cracks in walls, pantry, stacks of magazines and newspapers, card board boxes, below sinks, water heaters, drains and grease traps and gardens.

Different species of cockroach
People often mistake different species of cockroaches:
- German – The most widespread pest cockroach in Australia, you will be able to find them in commercial kitchens, cafes, restaurants, homes and other food handling areas. They are the most rapid breeder and prefer areas that provide warmth, food, and moisture.
- American – Commonly found in moist areas such as, drains, wall cavities and roof spaces in the coastal areas, particularly Queensland. They’re a reddish brown colour with a pale yellow border around their thorax. A female American cockroach will lay large egg capsules which mature in 6-12 months and live for another 6-12 months. They are attracted to active lights during the night and mostly found in sewer systems, subfloors, grease traps, cellars, wall voids, roof voids, in and around rubbish dumps.
- Australian – The pest species can be found mainly outside however Australian cockroaches also venture indoors from time to time. They are attracted to lights at night and drains as they are nocturnal. At their full length, Australian cockroaches can grow to 35mm and are very similar looking to the American cockroach. The development stage will last from 6-12 months and their adult lifespan will last from 4-8 months.
- Brown-banded – These pests are located in the coastal areas of Australia and are found indoors as they prefer dry areas including offices, behind and inside furniture, around picture frames, light fittings, storerooms and hospitals. They have the ability to fly when in warm weather or when being disturbed.
- Oriental – These pests do not fly and prefer cool conditions, most commonly found indoors and outdoors in damp cellars, subfloors, around drains, inside walls, in and around equipment.
- Smokey Brown – Located outdoors, smokey brown cockroaches are generally found in plant nurseries as they feed on organic materials and breed in the garden. The venture from indoors to garages, subfloors, walls and roof voids but mostly in drains. Both male and females are winged and can fly.
Tips on preventing cockroach infestations
There are some simple things that can be done around the home to help prevent a cockroach infestation:
- Keep all areas clean at all times
- Vacuum the area thoroughly
- Remove any stray objects
- Get rid of or securely cover pet food after feeding
- Inspect cracks, crevices and hard to reach places
- Apply a cleansing agent to floors before wiping dry
- After vacuuming remove and seal the bag being sure to dispose of it in a secure garbage bin
In most cases, those who try to kill their cockroaches without a professional pest control treatment don’t realise the disease has already been spread throughout the property. When killing a cockroach it lays its egg, which increases the chance of another cockroach developing and it hasn’t solved the problem long term.
Our Termiticidal technicians are professionally trained and will determine the type, source and extent of the infestation and use registered insecticides to control the cockroaches.
Termiticidal Pest Management are here to help. Our pest control technicians are professionally trained and qualified to address and eradicate current cockroach infestations. Termiticidal provides an effective cockroach pest control service, giving you the peace of mind that your home or place of business is cockroach free. We will make sure these pests are no longer a disturbance to you.
Book your cockroach pest control service today by contacting our team directly or completing an online booking.
Let us help!
Don’t let these pests get the better of you, we’re here to help. Get in touch today for a fast, friendly and reliable pest management service.